Sunday 20 March 2011

sick of it

so very sick of winter.  it's been way way too long this year, 6 months now.  the english winter started in October with the first snow of the season.  it's now mid-march and the temperature is still in the single digits.

sick of being cold.

so here's a lovely sunshiney beachy scene to warm us up!

that person way down there that you can just see is my dad, with fishing rod and freshly caught pacific salmon.  this beach is about 15mins drive from his house, and it's empty 98% of the time.  lovely spot. 

you know, the only thing keeping me going at the moment is to know that in 32 days I will be in Australia for 3 weeks, in the embrace of family I haven't seen for about 6 years.  it will definitely be warmer than here!

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