Friday 25 March 2011


having quite the retrospective fest this evening..  thought I'd share this classic.

and thanks to Ash for the reminder..

Wednesday 23 March 2011

thought of the day

living in a city nowdays, any city, means that you hear many different languages on a daily basis. and actually sitting and listening to those languages, listening to someone on the phone, you hear the musicality of the language.

on the train today, listening to a punjabi lady on the telephone, i was struck by how many words and phrases were in english.

is this because there are no words for what she wanted in her own language? one of the words was 'child and family department'. strange to think there'd be no equivalent word for that.

and i can't wait to be back in a country where everyone sounds like me. its just a small daily reminder that i'm a legal alien, a stranger in a strange land.

can't wait to go home. 29 days to go.

Monday 21 March 2011

really can't wait

discovered this song recently - made me cry the first time i heard it.  there really is nothing like christmas with the family in australia...

31 days and counting

the count is on.  31 days to go.  really can't wait. 

been one of those days today. *sigh*

but new computer is going really well ;)

Sunday 20 March 2011

sick of it

so very sick of winter.  it's been way way too long this year, 6 months now.  the english winter started in October with the first snow of the season.  it's now mid-march and the temperature is still in the single digits.

sick of being cold.

so here's a lovely sunshiney beachy scene to warm us up!

that person way down there that you can just see is my dad, with fishing rod and freshly caught pacific salmon.  this beach is about 15mins drive from his house, and it's empty 98% of the time.  lovely spot. 

you know, the only thing keeping me going at the moment is to know that in 32 days I will be in Australia for 3 weeks, in the embrace of family I haven't seen for about 6 years.  it will definitely be warmer than here!

one of those quotes

i read a lot.  i absorb a lot of stuff, kind of like a sponge.  most of it is useless information, except if i'm at a quiz.. 

anyway, came across this recently and i think its brilliant..

"the party guests milled around like a decapitated squid: lots of appendages, no brain, faintly suspect smell."

so here we go

see, I bought this new laptop.  it's really very sexy and i'm really enjoying it.  however, the fact that it was such a hefty purchase (the only thing that I own that cost me more is my car!) means that i have to do as much as possible with it to justify the spend when there are so many other 'more important' things i could be wasting my hard-earned on.

i need my friend, christine.  she can justify anything.  don't go shopping with her, you'll end up with a whole load of stuff you didn't need, but desperately wanted.   you have been warned.  (though i do love you c :))

anyway, so there you go.  blogging from deperate need to justify purchase of a new laptop.

not that i don't have interesting things to say, but i honestly can't say that many of the strange and bizarre things going round my head are in any way relevant to anyone else.  so, this blog is going to be a wee taster of the odd thoughts and interesting things i come across and think might be worthwhile. 

enjoy.  or don't.  up to you, really.